In Christ We Live features 40 devotionals designed to help you discover and align your life mission with God through Jesus Christ. These reflections will resonate with women in all stages of life by giving them daily nuggets to apply to everyday concerns. When you are trying to make it through your day and achieve victory over your circumstances, you need daily wisdom.

When you are looking for the meaning of life, you start with Jesus. The goal of this devotional is to help you discover an enriched, more intimate walk with the Lord.

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Twenty four hours ago, Jacob and Jaronda had it all. Their marriage is strong and they have two wonderful children. Jacob is a successful business man and Jaronda has a promising career as an architect.

Tragedy strikes and reveals secrets that have been long hidden. Will their marriage endure the storm and betrayal? Will their faith in God allow them to restore the hope and trust that is so critical to a successful marriage?

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